How you can attract a suitable mate

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Humans from all works of life desire true love from a loving, caring and understanding mate. However in most cases this dream is often illusive, many persons who are of marriage age find it difficult to see their dream mate. This situation often causes depression and heartache.

Emilie in her mid forties said she desires so much to marry when she was in her twenties and thirties even now at her late forties but find it difficult to find a suitable mate. She said further that she has done everything and search desperately without result. Many today faces such dilemma on daily bases young, old, women, and men, rich, poor, educated and illiterate.

What went wrong? Not been able to attract a suitable mate are as result of all combination of various factors such as:

Wasted opportunities

Unrealistic Expectation

Undesirable trait

WASTED OPPORTUNITIES: Many more especially ladies when much younger turn down so many suitors, with the view that they will get better ones much later. This mind set is developed because they feel the day is much younger, this assumption is held on to for so long that the person becomes so old. In their old age they become less attractive. Mary who find herself unmarried regretted loss opportunities “when I was in my early and late twenties many suitors actually came to me but I turn them down because I feel I still have much time to play with. When I was in my thirties I desire to get married but the few men that were coming was really less attractive so I taught. When I get to forties and fifties no man is forth coming, the situation is really devastating emotionally”

UNREALISTIC EXPECTATION: Many have the notion that a mate must measure up in all areas hundred percent. They expect their dream mate to be extremely handsome, beautiful, wealthy or rich, gregarious and witty in words. While those factors are not bad many want them in extreme, however in reality no single human can adequately have all this.  Many have been blind folded by all these that unwittingly close the door to prospective mate.

UNDESIRABLE TRAIT: some grow and develop in a  family background that’s is characterized with abusive word, lack of care, arrogance ,pride and other undesirable trait, this background have affected their every day action and in their dealing with others.

This undesirable character makes such persons unattractive even though they are beautiful, handsome rich and educated. This because people love been with persons with desirable and pleasant personalities.

What you can do to get that suitable mate now?

For you to get that desirable mate you dream of there are steps you need to follow which are highlighted below:

HAVE LOVE FOR YOURSELF: some persons due to the very fact that they are yet to get that’s desirable mate lost their self confidence and personal love. So the stepping stone is to believe in yourself, develop your self esteem, carry yourself with much poise and love yourself very much. If you have positive feelings about yourself, you will be less likely to be clumsy and awkward around others. This is critical to getting your desirable mate because people see you the way you see yourself!

WIDEN OUT, SPREAD YOUR WING: Many that desire to get a mate limit themselves to their comfort zone-in a particular territory, the rule is that you spread your tentacles, widen out don’t limit yourself. Make friend easily and within the circles of those you desire. If you have in mind a particular status make your friend within that circle, attend their parties and social gatherings and make yourself very friendly. Extend your friendship with warm smile; you might just start a date with the right person!

IMPROVE YOUR PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: while I do not lay much emphasis on physical attraction or beauty, one survey showed that good looks topped the list of requirement people desire in their prospective mate. Hence you must take care of your look it is very important because humans tend to look at appearance before they discern your inward personalities and desirable qualities. It is pertinent therefore that you improve on your diet, personal hygiene and engage in moderate exercise, for you to look good and trendy. Proper rest and sleep also help in making you feel good, happy, and feel at your best.  

 Give attention to your hygiene and personal grooming. A young man named Kelvin observes: “There is a girl who is quite attractive, but she has an odor problem. People avoid her because of this.” So have a regular bathe, clean your hands, hair, and fingernails these will definitely enhance your appearance.

It is also advisable to wear clothes that enhance or accentuate your looks but that are not outrageous, showy, faddish or immodest. Reasonable attention to your appearance can boost your self-confidence. You might not have the most charming and elegant looks, but you may work with the look you have. When you apply these principles on your personal appearance it might help boost your self-confidence and this will help in attracting that soul mate!





PE thanks so much I'm very grateful......
Posted by uche12345 on May 08 2013 @16:55
nice one!
Posted by pe on May 08 2013 @00:18
DABEST thanks for leaving me an encouraging message......
Posted by uche12345 on May 05 2013 @00:22
Kudos! Well done Uche...
Posted by dabest on May 04 2013 @21:40
Oshine I'm very grateful for your encouraging comments is very inspiring...................
Posted by uche12345 on May 01 2013 @17:41
This is grate article to read
Posted by oshine on May 01 2013 @14:50
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