He Didn't Call After The First Date? What's The Reason?

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So you are missing him after your first date but he hasn't contacted you? Don't feel to let down it has happened to the best of women.

There can be more than a few reasons he hasn't called you. If you haven't heard from him it doesn't necessarily mean it is your fault.

You may need to take a look at several things to identify the actual reasons behind his act of disregard. Here are a few common reasons a man doesn't call that can help you out shed light on your current circumstance:

  • Initially consider how your time with him was when you were on the date. You might be thinking everything was going excellent and you had a fun night, but it doesn’t mean he had a fun night too. He may not be as happy with your date as you initially thought. Try to find out the thing that might have turned him off. By looking into things and considering his response as well as his interaction will help you find the actual reason. If he didn't like your personality, your conversation, your awkward laugh, so what? Move on to a man that does.
  • He might be a self-conscious person and is waiting for you to make the first move. He may want you to contact him first. I suggest you wait for three days then give him a friendly call or text. If you still don't get a response then stop thinking about him and move on.
  • He may have met someone else after his date with you. What if he has found his true love right after his first date with you? I'm sure it will be quite disappointing for you and may hurt you a lot especially when you have started having more interest in him. He may have found someone else more compatible with him. If it is like that, you should try to stop thinking about him so you can avoid a emotional scar.
  • He might be afraid of commitment. What guys like this do is they back out after they meet a girl they truly like. You should avoid these types of guys because they aren' ready for a relationship.

To sum it up, if he didn't call you after your first date just move on. It's his loss not yours. Like the old cliché says: There are plenty more fish in the sea. Trust me, this is true. The man that will love in appreciate you is out there waiting. Don't waste your time chasing a man that doesn't want to be chased.

SOURCE: Blackloveadvice

Author Bio: Rebecca Murphy is a writer for MagicOfMakingUp.net and enjoys giving love and relationship advice in her free time



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